Apple Orderly Marketing Forum

Apple Marketing for BC Apples:

A New Path Forward

The Orderly Marketing Project

Next Steps – as recommended by the Project Management Committee:

  1. Communicate responses to the outstanding questions and issues to growers and packers,  
  2. Hold additional grower meetings to outline the responses to the questions as outlined in project summary report, and 
  3. Consider a vote on a commission.

If an organization decides to act for the entire industry on the recommendations and next steps, then it will plan to seek a decision from growers on an Apple Marketing Commission.  If no industry organization acts on the recommendations, then the status quo will continue.

Project Reports and Surveys

4 Recommendations as shown in the previous report

1. Collect statistics to ensure packers and growers are informed with good information to make decisions.

2. Provide a forum to discuss apple price trends, coordination of supply, and price expectations.  Although this practice is normally not permitted under Canadian competition laws, the Globalwise report notes this coordination would only be possible under an Apple Marketing Commission.

3. Set and monitor quality standards to ensure fairness to ensure apples are properly labeled with the appropriate grade, restoring fairness between packers, and retaining BC’s reputation for high-quality apples.

4. Establish a professionally managed promotion program, funded by growers and partners with the government. 

Understanding the Differences: Marketing Commission VS Marketing Association

Understanding the Differences: FAQ 

There are many pros and cons to both an orderly marketing commission and an apple marketing association.

Understanding the Business Case: Marketing Commission vs. Marketing Association 

Apple Marketing CommissionApple Marketing Association
Business Plan & BudgetBusiness Plan & Budget


The Q&A section addresses some of the most common queries growers have about this project. We believe in providing clear and concise answers to help growers get all the clarity they need.


A grower survey was available from August 4th to September 15th and has now been analyzed.


Funding Acknowledgment

Opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Government of British Columbia or the Investment Agriculture Foundation of B.C. The Government of British Columbia, and the Investment Agriculture Foundation of B.C., and their directors, agents, employees, or contractors will not be liable for any claims, damages, or losses of any kind whatsoever arising out of the use of, or reliance upon, this information. This site was prepared by the BC Fruit Growers’ Association.

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